Eaton Run Cottage

Eaton Run is owned and operated by the Eaton Cottage Realty Trust

Guide to the Eaton Cottage

Guidelines, rules, suggestions and resources


Clean up after yourself and leave the property in better shape than you found it. Don’t cook meth or hide dead bodies on the property.


Dogs are welcome at Eaton Run. Be sure to clean up after your dog(s) at all times, and be courteous of others in the neighborhood. Keep dogs leashed when on the Eaton Run property.


Dump, post office, propane, internet, electric, etc

VH Land Trust

Hiking Trails in Vinalhaven

Suggested sites

Food, shopping, swimming, sightseeing, pooping

Vinalhaven Island

Vinalhaven Ferry leaves from Rockland, ME


  • Maine
  • Knox County
  • Penobscot Bay


  • Old Harbor
  • City Point Rd.
  • 18 Bay View Cemetery Rd.
  • 44.05545121415956, -68.86911667659463

“I like Vinalhaven”

Eric Nagle

Eaton Run visitor since 1980.

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